Yo-yo Love

Who doesn't love yo-yo's? They're fast and easy to whip up (ahhh, instant gratification) and the possibilities for yo-yo projects are endless. I got a good dose of yo-yo inspiration last week, stitched some up, and made up a pretty bouquet of flowers!

Easy to whip-up! They look great just by themselves,

or in a big bunch!

You can't beat Heather Bailey's yo-yo tutorial for learning to stich some up. And if you're looking for inspiration, visit Sew, Mama, Sew! to download a PDF of great yo-yo project ideas; or try this great page of yo-yo links from Needlepointers.com. As for my flowers, I'm working up a little tutorial for a yo-yo sit-n'-stitch project and will share it with you when it's finished!


teedle. said…
I have a slight obsession with yo-yo's, too. I want to make an entire blanket out of them and cuddle with it. =)
a good yarn said…
I'm lucky to have the Clover yo-yo makers and have lots of fun with them. Your bouquet is gorgeous! Ann :-)
Terriaw said…
This cluster of yo-yo flowers are so pretty! I love them! Love the leaves peaking out behind them. I agree with you, yo-yos are so fun to make.
Beautiful! I've wanted to learn how to do these for an upcoming project, and now I have the kick in the pants I need.

Gave you a little shout out today on my post. No need for you to do anything at all. Just wanted you to know.
Anonymous said…
I just love your yoyo's...especially your yoyo purse! Very creative!

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