Custom Singer 301a

I recently traded artistic services with a friend, making a custom quilt in return for a custom paint job on a vintage sewing machine. Y'all, I am totally BLOWN AWAY by the results!

It's very difficult to photograph this beauty inside, as the light doesn't capture all the sparkle and glitter. I took her outside in the garden today to try and capture some of the color and light in this paint job. It's still not as fantastic as when you see her in person.

Erika Mulvenna Custom Singer 301A

This is one of my favorite travel sewing machines in my vintage sewing machine collection. I love the portability, stitch quality, and size of the Singer 301A. When deciding which machine to have painted, this one was my first choice because of all the flat surface area.

Erika Mulvenna Custom Singer 301A

Oh my gosh, she's so beautiful, and it's got my name on it!

Erika Mulvenna Custom Singer 301A

The whole machine has a base of silvery, rainbow glitter flake which sparkles and shines in different colors when you move around her.

Erika Mulvenna Custom Singer 301A

And the front features an amazing lace overlay. I mean, AMAZING!

Erika Mulvenna Custom Singer 301A

The base of the machine features some pretty rad fish scales in my very favorite color, red. Yes, the scales go all the way around.

Erika Mulvenna Custom Singer 301A

The back features fun, floating bubbles!

Erika Mulvenna Custom Singer 301A

Erika Mulvenna Custom Singer 301A

The bed of the 301A is inspired by the bright colors and patterns of traditional Mexican Saltillo or Sarape textiles, with stunning depth and range of color. Again, these photos don't really do the paint job total justice.

If you want still more, see a few video shorts that really show off the sparkle on my Instagram feed here!


Paulette saidā€¦
That is an AMAZING paint job! Lucky you!!
Erika Mulvenna saidā€¦
Thanks so much P. it is an AMAZING machine! ;)

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