Use It Or Lose It: Singer 66, The Vibrating Shuttle, and Singer 114K103

Today I'm continuing to take stock of my sewing machines, and this is sewing machine #3, a 1922 Singer 66 with Scroll Red or "Red Eye" decals. This machine was passed down through my family, and is in really good condition.

This is a treadle, but there's no more room here for the cabinet (it looks like this), which is currently in storage. The cabinet also weathered some water damage before it came to me, it was previously stored in a basement that had flooded. First I need a bigger sewing room, then I need to repair the cabinet.

I'm feeling a little guilty that I don't have the treadle cabinet here, because all this pretty little red head needs is a little dusting off and she's ready to sew! I'm kind of contemplating upgrading her to a hand crank. Hmmm....

On to machine #4, the New Wheeler Vibrating Shuttle.

This machine was a wedding gift, and although I contemplated getting rid of it recently (read all about it right here), I decided to keep it, clean it up and display it! So although I won't really use it, I'm not going to lose it.

And, also in my collection is sewing machine #5, a Singer 114K103, an industrial machine that creates decorative "chain" or crochet like stitching. This is the same kind of decorative stitching machine used by Nudie to create colorful thread paintings on his famous suits. Unfortunately, there isn't room for this industrial machine in my space, and it is currently resting in storage. This machine has been a point of contention between my hubs and I, mostly because he is the one that gets stuck moving it and I haven't used it in years. But I just don't want to get rid of it! I just need more space! And that's ANOTHER point of contention between me and the Mr., but that story will have to wait for another day. I'm putting my foot down, this machine STAYS!

Up next are some 1930's machines, maybe a featherweight, and an interesting 1933 World's Fair sewing machine!

If you missed the first few machines in my collection, you can check them out, too:

#2. 1919 Singer 128
#1. 1901 Singer 15-30 Custom


Sarah saidā€¦
I love seeing your sewing machines! That little Singer sure is pretty!
Gmama Jane saidā€¦
I'm in love with all your vintage/antique sewing machines. I'm currently stitching a set of antique toy sewing machines in a BOM . Plus, I'm so envious of that fabulous embroidery machine! You have quite an investment in your sewing 'toys". I have a small Brother PE770 embroidery was the best I could afford. But I'm happy with it. I've learned to be content with what I have and not covet more...I can Wish though can't I? LOL
Gmama Jane

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