The State of Things

We've spent the past week and a half getting settled into our "new" home. It's not really new, but is a home owned by our family in which the first floor has been vacant for several years. So, we've taken up residence to cut costs.

We're using much of the furniture that was already here,'s a little like living at grandma's house! This has been my "office" where I work during the days. I clean up all my work stuff for dinner and breakfast, then get it all out the next day again.

My old sewing room/office is currently living in the basement. Here is my mangle iron, ironing board and irons under the stairs,

and here is part of my desk (I don't really know where the other half is right now) perched on top of my cutting table,

and here are all of my sewing supplies and sewing machines jammed into the corner.

There are several other rooms to unpack and get organized before we can even contemplate how to set up a sewing room/office in the basement! I think we're looking at two to three months before I'm up and running again.

Since the kitchen is one of the only rooms we actually have completely unpacked, and since I spend so much time in here, I'm really itching to stitch up some new curtains. I can't believe I'm going back to sewing on the kitchen table for a weekend and then putting all my sewing supplies away! On the bright side, there is plenty of room here in the kitchen to invite a friend or two to come over and sew with me. Because you know what they say, misery loves company!


Keep Stitchin' said…
Thanks for sharing! It's fun to see what other quilters/sewers do to work! I like the kitchen; you can do some really fun stuff with that room! Good luck!
Remnant said…
Your "new" kitchen looks cheerful and sunny. I hope you are able to settle into your new surroundings quickly. Sounds like quite a venture you're on!

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