Four Years

Do you remember what you were doing four years ago today? I do...

Wedding 01

Wedding 02

Wedding 03

Wedding 05

Wedding 06

Wedding 07

In some ways those four years have seemed like a blink of an eye, and in others it seems like it's been over a hundred years. It's amazing how much more we learn and love with each consecutive year, and I am looking forward to more amazing years to come.

We've decided to break with tradition and instead of linen, silk, or appliances for our 4th anniversary, we're gifting each other a whole day of tattooing. That's right, tattoos! So, although I don't have any sewing planned for the weekend, I will be getting a sewing-themed tattoo, and rest assured I will share pictures next week. Until then, I'm off to celebrate!

Happy stitching!


Leila said…
I love your dress! And Congratulations on 4 years! I like your more-than modern anniversary present and I'm really excited to see what sewing themed tattoo you get! I've spent many insomnia filled nights dreaming of what I'd get tattooed.
Jodi said…
You are so lovely! Congrats and I think your tattoo gift idea is awesome!
Emily said…
Oh amazing!
Congrats!! Can't wait to see your ink!
Anonymous said…
What lovely bride you were (with your handsome groom). I particularly like your bouquet.
Happy Anniversary!
Robin (alittlesewing)
Donna said…
So glad you posted these pics - fun to see you as a redhead! Happy Anniversary!

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