More Project Progress

I found lots of time over the last few days to work on my Midwestern Landscape project (the hard way - I was really sick with a head cold). Last project post I showed you the finished quilting on the background for this project. Now I've moved on to hand sewing layers of applique shapes on to the background:

Midwestern Landscape Detail

All this hand stitching has been a learning experience, just like everything else with this project. You can see the stitches a bit on the shape to the left in the picture above. I was trying out different stitches before I switched to a more invisible stitch. I may go back and re-stitch that piece if the stitching really stands out when it's close to finished.

Midwestern Landscape Detail

You can still see some basting stitching and pins here. I used both basting and pins to hold all the shapes in place for stitching. But now you can start to see what this piece is all about!

Midwestern Landscape Detail

Still a few more stitches to go on this part before moving on to the other shapes to be added. Getting this far has me excited about finishing this project, and I hope to work more on it this weekend. Stay tuned for more updates!


Jason Mercer said…
Upside down, I thought "pancakes". Upon seeing the finished project, I thought "brilliant". You are amazing!
Mary Keenan said…
This is just incredible. And I love how the colour variegation on the poles looks like sunlight hitting them!
Annik Miller said…
Just amazing. I can't wait to see the finished product.

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