Finding Time to Paint the Singer 66

I finally found time to start painting the old salvaged Singer 66! I'm painting completely free hand, which means there are a lot of irregularities in the design (it is pretty funky). Seriously, I'm just kind of winging it - although I am basing the designs on the Singer Red Eye decal set. This is the same way I tackled painted the last custom paint job, the Singer 15-30 hand crank. So, this will hopefully end up looking just as awesome.

You know what I'll be up to this weekend!


Mary Colter said…
Wow Erica - how fabulous!
Erika Mulvenna said…
Hey Mary - thanks so much! I hope it looks totally fab when it's all done - stay tuned for more next week.
leolina said…
Just perfect :)
Unknown said…
Love it especially the red paint. Think my hubby needs to help me strip and repainting a 66 I just seen on gumtree here in Australia
Erika Mulvenna said…
It was a fun project Tracey! I'd love to see pics if you paint your machine!

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