A New Bag for the New Year!

My first diaper bag was The Everything Bag from Amy Butler's book, little stitches for little ones. It's a great big bag with lots of pockets, perfect for toting around baby stuff, and was pretty easy to carry while Kate was an itty-bitty. But now she's a tipsy-toddler and I need a smaller, hands-free diaper bag.

The solution was the Indygo Junction's Manhattan Messenger bag pattern and some recycled Bottletones T-shirts! This bag is the PERFECT size for carrying diaper changing supplies, snacks, a couple of sippy-cups, and a few of Momma's things as well.

The directions for this pattern were a little funky and I opted not to add any of the extra pockets or the hook and loop tape. I like easy access to my bag - no fooling with closures, so I added stacks of buttons along the bottom edge of the flap to weight the edge and keep it closed.

I used one black printed pocket t-shirt for the outside of the bag, and was able to keep the pocket intact as part of the front. It is perfect for holding my cell phone! One white printed t-shirt became the lining, and the inside flap was cut so the design shows when the bag is opened.

The large black and white gingham check is a new portable changing pad I made from some cotton, batting, and vinyl. I'm suprised how well it turned out because this was one of those hurry-hurry projects. (Okay, except for the crappy job I did sewing on the bias tape - that's not so great.) But, since it was so easy, I want to make another one and I'm thinking about sharing the instructions with you! Would you like an easy baby butt-pad tutorial?


Secret Mommy said…
Count me in on the butt-pad tutorial! Sitting here with my two-week old I don't know when I'll return to my machine...but when I do... :)
Carol said…
That's adorable. I love it.
Design Esquire said…
That's awesome! I love how you used the t-shirts.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, I'm so glad I found yours!
Mary Nanna said…
Your bag is just gorgeous and very clever. I'm very impressed you sewed your own nappy bag. That's almost like.. sewing for someone else! But at least it goes with all your own snazzy outfits.
Crystal said…
Nice to meet you, E! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier - I appreciate your comment. I've had fun reading through your posts (thanks for the advice about storing thread - I need to change that) and seeing your projects. I'd love to have instructions for the change pad - would be a great baby shower gift. Happy Sewing - See you soon!
Erika Mulvenna said…
Thanks everyone for the great comments! I have absolutely loved carrying this bag around.
Miss Spiffy said…
yes please... it looks way cute
Erika Mulvenna said…
Hi Regina! You can find the Baby Changing Pad tutorial right over here: http://sewsitall.blogspot.com/2010/01/baby-changing-pad-tutorial.html

Happy stitching! - Erika

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