The 1960's Apron

I did find time this week (although it was hard!) to finish the 1960's apron from the vintage fabric I thrifted over the weekend.

I absolutely love this fabric, and managed to cut out the apron so that I still have some left over for another project. Isn't it just so Carol Brady?

I had one of THOSE weeks, and am suprised I even found time to stitch up the apron! Along with my part-time work-from-home job, I also squeezed in some sewing lessons this week. My babysitter couldn't make it and I ended up having to be both mommy and teacher - which was mostly me giving a little instruction and then chasing Kate while my student sewed away.

There she goes, running back-and-forth from her room to the sewing room! And she's FAST! She zoom-zoomed like this for half of the sewing lesson before finally collapsing for her afternoon nap.

Thank goodness for afternoon naps!


Anonymous said…
I love the apron! How cool!
Mary Keenan said…
Fabulous apron - and so much coverage! I can just picture flour getting wiped off on the hips on the way to answer the front door, and the clothes underneath completely unscathed ;^)
Kimberly said…
I love your apron. I often think I should make one (or three) to save my clothes while baking and cooking, and looking at your projects is very inspiring!
Karin said…
Your apron is fantastic. It makes me remember my childhood!

I have to agree that nap time is a golden time.
Terriaw said…
Every modern gal should have a 1960s apron, especially one handmade with thrifted fabric! Love it! Sewing lessons - sounds so fun.
a good yarn said…
What a stunning apron! A terrific project for such bold fabric. Kate is a gorgeous little pooppet. Ann :-)
kbenco said…
Cute apron, but even more cute toddler. I love the photo of her running about. What did your student make?
a gorgeous apron, I love the fabric so much its so retro. Your daughter is adorable. You lucky lady!
Gina said…
Utterly gorgeous. I'd love to know what pattern if any you've worked from... It's a style I'd like to try.

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