SEWENTROPY (The principle that every organized sewing room will eventually fall into chaos)

Entropy is my nemesis. I love for things to be neat and orderly, everything in it's right place - it gives me a feeling of calm and control. I know where everything is and I know what needs to get done. Entropy, on the other hand, loves total chaos and works slowly and deliberately to chip away any assemblance of order that I create.

Evidence of entropy: layer upon layer of "projects" on the cutting table.

Today entropy has won the battle for my sewing space, completely and totally. I can't even be in the room without feeling like I'm drowning. There are too many projects going on at once, too much fabric, too many boxes, too much mess (and the floor is slowly dissappearing). So I am throwing in the towel and admitting (temporary) defeat. And I'm shutting the door - maybe just for a few days - maybe longer.

Evidence of entropy: boxes...full of fabric...on the floor.

When I'm in the right frame of mind, I will return - with a plan - to regain control of my sewing space and projects from entropy and make them my own again. But right now there's a tipsy toddler calling for momma and a cup of hot tea with my name on it!


Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh! I can't wait to share this word with my husband. He always harrasses me that I can spend an entire day straightening up my sewing room and have it look horrible the next day. Now I can tell him that it's not my's sewentropy! LOL!
Mary Keenan said…
Entropy or not, that is some gorgeous curtain fabric you've got there ;^)
Hi Erika, Tea and Kate sound like a good way to overcome the feeling of drowning. I can relate to the feeling. Hugs, Karen (an old mama that knows). Ps. My little Jak the same age as Kate moved a week and a half ago with his parents to their new home after his mom's college graduation. I am lost.....! I need to blog about it.
Rae said…
Haha, this post sums up my sewing life. EXACTLY what happens over here. My sewing room is also my guest room unfortunately (or fortunately?) so every so often someone comes and stays and I stuff everything into a box in the closet and then forget about all those projects. Not so good...

I hope you can get it cleared out so you can focus on something fabulous!!!
Steph said…
I know what you mean. Sometimes, for your own sanity, it's best to step back and take a breather.

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