Crafting Party Tonight!

I'm spending the day getting ready for tonight's Chicago Craft Social. Everything is packed and ready for my craft table where you can learn to make a flower from fabric scraps. Not only the Craft Social a great place to meet and mingle with other crafters, but it's a really fun way to learn several new crafts. Read more about the Chicago Craft Social here!

Fabric strip flowers

I've got great handouts to give you if you're sitting and sewing with me so you can follow along at home. (I will make the handout available after the event, so just keep your eyes peeled for that post). I also packed my camera to snap some pictures to share next week. And, I am really hoping to make some new stitchy friends! So if you're coming, stop by and say "Hi".


Sparky saidā€¦
looking forward to what struck your these flowers of course lol
blessings msamm

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