For Stitches' Sake

Today I've been taking my time with some hand stitching, creating a beginner's stitch sampler for a basic hand sewing post later this week.

Much to my suprise, I actually enjoyed this little bit of hand sewing! Concentrating for just a few minutes on each different stitch caused me to slow down and pay attention to the interaction between needle, fabric, and thread.

The Basic Stitches sampler will post in the next few days. I know most of you dear readers already know how to sew, but the more I teach the more I find people who don't know much about hand stitching. It might be a great refresher course if you haven't picked up a hand needle in many years!

This bit of stitching also made me excited to start my next hand sewing project. A great beginning for any hand sewer and a historic "first" for many young girls learning to sew in the early 20th Century.

And speaking of hand sewing, it seems ironic that this used to be the first steps in learning to sew; mastering hand stitches first, then moving on to using a machine. These days it seem the other way around. So how about you? If you sew, which did you learn first, hand sewing or machine stitching?


Anonymous said…
I did handstitching as a young girl, before my mom showed me how to use the machine. I have not had any formal sewing lessons or instructions.
Erika Mulvenna said…
Same here, I learned from my mom some hand stitching before I got on a sewing machine. I do have to add that I had a wonderful Home Ec sewing teacher in Jr. High who taught me a lot!
Sparky said…
Ok these are very cool.. your stitches are quite would be perfect at hand quilting at this rate...
Still would love for you to think of coming over to stash manicure to be a guest blogger...
blessings madame samm
Terriaw said…
I like to do hand stitching, but don't do enough of it. I'm intrigued with your sampler, so I look forward to seeing more! What a fun project to be working on!
Sharrieboberry said…
I learned embroidery first. Around age 4 or 5. I didn't get to use the machine until age 9 and it wasn't pretty!

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