Starting Over

I am starting a new project. One that I've been thinking about for years, and as part of my New Year's sewing resolution am determined to see to completion. I have been taking notes and writing down ideas for this project in my sketchbook for a long time.

And now I'm working on finalizing an overall pattern to follow. Although my instincts are telling me to start big, I am purposely keeping this project smaller in order to make it more realistic for me to finish, around 26" X 38".

I'm already having problems with my pattern; the lines aren't coming together just right, I'm so rusty with my sketching that I'm having to do a lot of erasing and re-drawing (and I even resorted to some correcting tape, ugh!). Which is starting to make a big mess. I might just trace the good parts and add in the rest on a new piece of paper.

As soon as my pattern is finished, I will start hand-dying fabrics for this project. I'm a little rusty on that, too, so I'm already checking back in my old dye notes to brush up on the process.

And wow, I am already completely filled with self-doubt over finishing this project. You know, like will it meet my expectations or will it end up being a complete failure? Sigh. Anyway, sharing my progress with all of you is kind of a double check for me, a way to share my progress, frustrations, and successes through to the end. Definitely stay tuned for this one...


PuNk rAwK pUrL said…
looking forward to seeing this shape up... so to speak! ;^D
Donna said…
I think the "self-doubting" part is simply part of my process. Eventually I get over it...

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