Sewing Machine Day/Sewing Stories

To some people, June 13th is Sewing Machine Day, a day to celebrate the invention of the sewing machine and take a moment to think about how it has changed our lives. I'm sharing some of my favorite sewing stories today and invite you to do the same! After reading a bit about my personal sewing story here, why not join me over at the BERNINA USA Blog to learn a little history about my favorite sewing family - and then share your own story with us there!

Just as many of you learned to sew from your mothers, my mom was also first and foremost my sewing inspiration. I wish desperately that I had some old photos to share with you, but since I've just moved those old memories are still buried in a box somewhere, so I'm sharing some newer things that I have sewn with you. I remember at about age 4 my mother would whip up all kinds of playthings - she would make little bean bags filled with beans, corn kernels or birdseed and super soft stuffed animal toys. (A tradition I am proudly carrying on!) 

Egg-laying hen 05

She also decorated my room with the coolest alphabet fabric for curtains, bedspread, and on floor cushions. Also a great tradition to carry on, and my little tot adores her room.

Kate's Bedroom Wall

Of course she also stitched many of my clothes as a kid, too! And I know why - because stitching up little girl dresses is totally fun!

Gardening 02
A dress I stitched up last spring.

I think I first learned how to hand-stitch from my mother at about age 8, but only remember stitching the occasional simple doll dress or easy bag. It wasn't until my mother showed me how to use her sewing machine at age 10 that I REALLY started to love sewing! One of the first things I ever stitched was a stuffed television set for my room (well, since my mom said I couldn't have a real one, this was the next best thing) complete with rope electrical cord and button knobs!

In the years since I first touched a sewing machine, I've been on a constant journey to learn more. I've had the pleasure and good luck to have met some wonderful people along the way and always manage to learn a little something from each kindred sewing spirit - sometimes it is a new tip, short cut or technique, and sometimes it is a little life lesson. And although have become a Sewing Arts Educatory myself - passing on my love for sewing to others - I still feel like there is so much yet to learn. I am grateful my mother started me on my journey with the sewing machine, and I hope to keep sewing and learning for years to come!


Sarah C said…
How fun! I did not know that today was Sewing Machine Day. What great stories! I am going to have to write up my own post now! Thanks for the heads up.
Keep Stitchin' said…
Love the stories! I shared mine through their blog as well.
I didn't learn to sew from my mother, but one of my older sisters did inspire my love of sewing. I have been the family seamstress for over 25 years now!

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