You Say It's Your Birthday...

B-Day 04

Happy birthday to my sweet baby - who's not so much of a baby anymore. As always, even on her birthday, she is very serious!

B-Day 03

Not to mention curios, too.

B-Day 01

Who knew shoes could be so captivating?


Unknown said…
She is adorable. I hope she had a good birthday!
Tricia Royal said…
Hi! I'm Tricia, I met you at the quilting guild meeting this past Sunday! Your daughter is a cutie. Would totally love to get together and thrift after the holidays if you are still interested! :)
Erika Mulvenna said…
Hey Tricia! So glad to have met you - I just sent you an email to the address you listed with the CMQG group about thrifting and vintage shopping after the holidays. And your little one is a cutie too, I remember seeing your pics at flickr!

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