A Christmas Countdown

My husband had a Christmas countdown calendar when he was a kid, and the family used it each year to countdown from the 1st of December until Christmas day. He wanted us all to work on one together this year, and we started at Thanksgiving. Funny, I thought we'd have it all stitched up in only one weekend! Wishful thinking. But, at least we finished it before Christmas.

I made the tree and my husband and tot made the ornaments. I still have to finish the very last ornament, a big star for the top of the tree. I'm making it with shrink-plastic and have all the supplies on the kitchen table to craft it up at naptime today.

We dedided to number the buttons the ornaments hang from instead of numbering the ornaments so that each year we can mix it up. And, I believe we might have to make at least one new ornament next year since these are a bit "fragile" (which is mom-speak for "poorly put together by my child").

Here we are, all caught up with our countdown! And my tot loves it, she's whizzing around the room with glee and you can barely see her to the side of the calendar!

I still want to hand-embroider some snowflakes around the tree, and I also really feel like some more big stitches are needed in between the different colors of the tree - but that will all have to wait until next year. I still have a small pile of hand stitched gifts to put finishing touches on and I've got to get stitching!


a little sewing saidā€¦
How utterly adorable! It's times like these you can feel proud of your photography skills because you captured this wonderful project in all its glory! And it is really special. Enjoy!!
Diane from Sydney saidā€¦
What a lovely idea and so nicely done!
Ebony Love saidā€¦
Oh my, do I love this so very much!!!
Nima saidā€¦
brilliant idea for christmas countdown...i love it...wishing you all a blessed christmas...
Emily saidā€¦
Aww that's just too cute!!

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