Project Finish: Hexy Dick and Jane Quilt

Sexy Hexy Quilt 01

I just finished stitching this Sexy Hexy Love Quilt (it's a free Amy Butler quilt pattern) using some Dick and Jane fabrics along with some other misc. stuff.
Sexy Hexy Quilt 02

I bought the Dick and Jane fabric before Fidget was even born, maybe 6 or 7 years ago. I
love this fabric, I remember reading my mom's old Dick and Jane reader when I was little. Great bright colors, and wonderful little illustrations.

Sexy Hexy Quilt 04

And these kids playing...

Sexy Hexy Quilt 05

...just look at her face! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Sexy Hexy Quilt 03

Plus, it's pretty cheeky fabric.

Sexy Hexy Quilt 06

I used a black fabric with teeny dots for the back, and you can really see how I quilted with straight lines to follow along with the hexagon pattern. I almost wish I had added more lines, but this is just a cuddly couch quilt for myself, and I was ready to call it done after this much quilting.

Sexy Hexy Quilt 07

I attached the binding by machine, and it turned out okay but I'm not completely happy with it. I may end up taking off the binding and re-stitching it, finishing by hand. But, for right now, it makes a pretty fine couch quilt!


Sarah said…
This is a great quilt! Wish I had bought some of that Dick and Jane fabric, too, since I actually learned to read with those readers, I even have one of my originals! (sigh, age showing)
Sue R. said…
Me, too! I love this quilt as much for the nostalgia as the wonder ful design, colors, and quilting!
Just great, Erika! @Sarah..We can be proud old gals together...c'mon, now!
raebethriv said…
The binding looks great!
I must've been one of the last age groups to read Dick & Jane! I remember the ginormous over sized book the teacher held!
Erika Mulvenna said…
Thanks Sarah, Sue and Rachel! ;-)

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