Quilting Retreat Sewing

I was away over the weekend at the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild fall retreat, but what I made had nothing to do with quilting. I used a vintage Raggedy Ann pattern to sew a little rag-doll for Fidget.

It's not like I didn't bring any quilting projects, because I did. And I really thought I'd finish this doll sometime Saturday afternoon and move on to something else. Unfortunately, partly because there were no instructions along with the vintage pattern and I had to wing-it, I worked on this little lady for the better part of the whole weekend.

Everyone at the retreat kept asking me what her name was, but I knew Fidget needed to be the one to give her a name. Although I predicted it would be one of two names Fidget gives to all of her toys, "Buck" or "Mary". So Mary it is! She has green stockings with white polka-dots, a pink striped dress with lace trim and teeny buttons, and a patterned apron trimmed with ric-rac and more buttons. Mary even has a little pocket on her apron with a tiny linen hanky made by my quilty friend Emily.

Mary also has the sweetest little ribbon for her hair from my quilty friend Sarah, and my bestest hexy-quilty friend Holly tied the perfect little bows. It was really a labor of love!
Now that Mary is all finished I can finally move along to some more quilting. Better late than never!


KindredHeartz said…
What a labor of love! I hope she loved her.
Michelle said…
Mary is adorable!!!
Emily said…
She's completely cute! It was a lot of fun to see so many people getting involved in her creation too! :)
Sarah said…
Nice to meet you, Mary! Your outfit is amazingly awesome!

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