Post-QuiltCon Sewing

QuiltCon was beyond awesome! And I'm not sure what I can say that hasn't already been said across the intrawebs - it was a wonderful event that ran like clockwork. My only regret is not having met more people in real life that I have known only through little pictures and text on my computer.

Although I was wait-listed for many of the piecing classes I wanted to take, I did get to attend a few. Mary Fons' Churn Dash class was fab, and I learned a bit about cutting, some good tips about construction, and even a little history behind this block. We made several little blocks, and I was able to stitch mine together with a few strips in class.

I'm finishing this up right now to be a doll quilt for Fidget (actually, it will be a "friend" quilt as Fidget plays more with stuffed animals friends than dolls).

And I had so much fun in Jacquie Gering's Hexagon Piecing class! I would have never figured out this fast method for machine stitching large hexi's together, and I love it. I came to class prepared to sew, and got three rows stitched together.This is going to become a full-sized quilt that may end up on the bed in our guest room.

I came home from QuiltCon inspired, and immediately started documenting ideas in my sketchbook. However motivated I am, it all comes down to finding time to sew (know what I mean?). It's not easy trying to stuff 10 pounds of housework, chores, mothering, and housewivery into a 5 pound day.

How do you fit sewing into your busy day and around your family, work, and other obligations? Do you schedule the time in, steal away whenever you can, or have set sewing days of the week? I'd love to know - please share!


Mary Colter said…
Erika, I, too came away super inspired but wondering where I will find the time (or more time) to sew. What a great event!
Nicci P said…
Erika, so great to meet you in Jacquie's class. I look forward to seeing your finished hexie quilt. Dang, why didn't I think to make bigger blocks...smarter, not harder, right?
smazoochie said…
I bet Mary F.'s class was good. She's such an interesting person -- modern sensibilities with the background of quilt history. I'd love to see how the hexagons are sewn; I'm thinking of a Giant Hexagon project & am puzzling how to assemble them.
Not sewing at all right now. :-(

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