Use-it-up Scrap Sewing
These vintage Polynesian squares (from the late 1970's) were passed down to me from another quilter. I've had them for several years, and wanted to use them up - so they have become...
...a half-square triangle quilt top. I pieced this top at the recent Chicago Modern Quilt Guild fall retreat using my "new" vintage Singer 15-91 (which sewed like a dream, by the way!). It's only 54" x 54" square, and I need to find backing and binding for it. No idea how I'm going to quilt this one yet.
This pile of vintage fabric squares came from many sources; I purchased some pre-cut at a vintage store (someone had traced the squares with a template and cut them out), some of this fabric was a gift, and some of it was literally pulled from the trash. I've been holding on to some of these scraps for a long time, and these have become...
I am supposed to be working on a few other projects right now, but honestly I have been so burned out by working more hours than normal lately and trying to keep up with my housewivery that I gave myself permission to just work on these two projects for the rest of the year. Which is awesome, because I am really enjoying it!
Happy stitching!