Use-it-up Scrap Sewing

Weekend Getaway 01

These vintage Polynesian squares (from the late 1970's) were passed down to me from another quilter. I've had them for several years, and wanted to use them up - so they have become...

Polynesian Scrap Top
...a half-square triangle quilt top. I pieced this top at the recent Chicago Modern Quilt Guild fall retreat using my "new" vintage Singer 15-91 (which sewed like a dream, by the way!). It's only 54" x 54" square, and I need to find backing and binding for it. No idea how I'm going to quilt this one yet.
Weekend Getaway 02

This pile of vintage fabric squares came from many sources; I purchased some pre-cut at a vintage store (someone had traced the squares with a template and cut them out), some of this fabric was a gift, and some of it was literally pulled from the trash. I've been holding on to some of these scraps for a long time, and these have become...

Vintage Scrap Top
...a scrappy quilt top. I completely pieced this top on my "new" Singer 66 custom hand crank! I set the machine right in front of the TV and cranked away as I watched. This one is 62" x 62" square, and I need to find backing for it. I totally know how I'm going to quilt this one, and I can't wait - I love this little quilt!

I am supposed to be working on a few other projects right now, but honestly I have been so burned out by working more hours than normal lately and trying to keep up with my housewivery that I gave myself permission to just work on these two projects for the rest of the year. Which is awesome, because I am really enjoying it!

Happy stitching!



Donna saidā€¦
Um, yeah - all those scraps. So glad you're using yours. I will try to take inspiration from you. Unfortunately my scrap solution simply involves finding additional scrap containers.

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