A Sad and Lonely Singer 201-2

I thrifted this poor old Singer 201-2 this weekend.

It was in a trashed out cabinet, and was in a few pieces. The price was right, so I brought the whole thing home with me. There were some accessories in with the cabinet; a buttonholer with all of the templates, some feet, and this super-cool Blind Stitch Attachment (I've never seen one before, and can't wait to try it out!)

As far as the machine goes, it is a 1940 201-2 and looks to be in decent shape! Good news, right? However, it's missing some parts, most importantly the entire motor assembly. In fact, it looks like someone attempted to repair a burnt-out motor (judging from the old motor brushes, dust, and black flakes of crap that I found in the cabinet), but quickly found out that new motors are not available for this model. Poor, poor old Singer!
And now I'm faced with the dilemma of what to do with this sad little Singer 201.
On the one hand, I do have the ability fix it and get it running again. But, I already have a 201-2 in perfect running order, and don't need two - hell, I don't even have a cabinet or base for this machine! Plus, the cost for all the missing parts is about $150. So do I really want to spend that money on a machine that would just go right on a shelf? Forget trying to sell it once it's fixed, as a 201-2 in good working order, machine only (no box or cabinet) isn't worth more than $100.
Or, I can keep it in storage as a parts machine if anything ever goes wrong with my 201-2. Except the only part that is likely to need replacing would be the motor, which is already missing from this machine.
I thought sleeping on it would help me make a decision, but it's not any clearer to me today. My instincts tell me to fix it up, as I've resurrected machines in much worse shape than this, but my practical side keeps telling me not to put my time and money into a machine that I don't need.
What do you think, what should I do with this sad and lonely lady Singer 201-2?


Maria saidā€¦
If this is a machine that you feel can be redeemed to working conditions then I think it's worth the investment if an extra 50 dollars to do it. You are not losing too much to fix it. If you have the skill and know how and enjoy tinkering in such endeavors the money value loses it's meaning and the time you put into makes a difference for you. This is a rare find indeed, a beautiful machine with so much potential in what it can do for you. Once fixed maybe you can gift it to someone who appreciates vintage machines instead of purchasing a brand new younger one. Or put out up in your shelf on display with the knowledge that you resuscitated a piece of beauty and can use it for another project.
Sally saidā€¦
I feel for you, because I really don't know what I would do. When my great aunt passed away, she had a great old machine that I wouldn't have minded having (never mind that it's extremely similar to my grandma's machine that I haveā€¦), but I have absolutely NO space for it, so I couldn'tā€¦.

Anyway, I hope you can figure out what you'd like to do.
Gavin Henderson saidā€¦
In some ways you are lucky. We see very few 201-2s here in the UK. Most of our electric 201s were the external motor type. Keep it safe someone will want to sew with it one day I am sure.
Wendy saidā€¦
I think for now it would make a wonderful bookend on some shelves in another area of your home. You'll figure out what you'd like to do with it one day. And I love the idea of fixing it up as a gift to someone who will love it one day.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I share your interest in fixing sewing machines BUT I would save the accessories for your working machine and pass on to someone else for their collections.

Save your time for another model to add to your collection.
dwasifar saidā€¦
You could part it out and sell the parts on eBay. Or you could look for the parts you need on eBay.

Or you could just give it to me. :) You're in the Chicago area, right?
Erika Mulvenna saidā€¦
Ha! Hey dwasifar, I'm saving this one until I can fix her up. :-)

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