What 10 Below Zero Looks Like
I'm sure by now you've heard about the frigidly cold weather we're experiencing in Chicago, below freezing temperatures until tomorrow afternoon. No school today, so Fidget and I are bundled up warm, playing inside games.
I just opened the shades in the bedroom to find one window more than a little frosty - and this photo really sums up the day. C O L D!
I just opened the shades in the bedroom to find one window more than a little frosty - and this photo really sums up the day. C O L D!
I guess we had a bit of a storm window fail here - the storm wasn't quite closed all the way, and now it's totally covered in about 1/4" of ice crystals! While I'm in the process of typing, I just heard that there will be another "cold day" for CPS schools tomorrow - so I better start looking for more inside activities to keep Fidget busy for another day! What's your favorite inside activity for keeping little hands busy?ļ»æ