Sewing Fabric Face Masks with the AccuQuilt GO! DIY Face Mask-Medium Die

So, have you been sewing fabric face masks like crazy? 😉 

I've been sewing fabric face masks in small batches since the spring, and constantly look for any way to make the process faster. A few weeks ago I noticed that AccuQuilt added face mask dies, and ordered the medium size DIY Face Mask die. I was slightly nervous about the sizing after reading a handful of comments that the pattern was too big.

But after getting the die in the mail earlier this week, I was super happy to see that the pattern is just about the same exact size as the masks I've already been sewing!

I shared a post with BERNINA's WeAllSew blog today with more information about using the AccuQuilt DIY Face Mask Medium Die, and some tips I've learned for sewing fast face masks.

I use knit ties that go around your neck instead of tight over the ears, and this allows for some extra room for fitting the masks to your face. These fit me just fine, and also fit my 6th grader Fidget's face, too. More tips about the knit ties at the blog post in the link above, and check out how they fit on the quick video snippet below.


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