NEW Color Classes & Workshops

I'm super excited to announce the launch of a brand-new lecture and workshop series for quilters all about working with color! 

My approach to teaching color is completely unique, focusing on the science behind color perception and a look at the history of our current (sometimes outdated) ideas of using color. You'll find a new understanding of color through hands-on exercises and class discussion, plus the skills to explore, expand, and employ your own personal color sensibility.

I've created a lecture about the color wheel that answers all the questions you might have surrounding this tool, such as "Why should I use a color wheel for quilting? What is the deal with color combinations or harmonies, are they really magically perfect? Where did the color wheel come from, and what even IS a color wheel anyway?" You'll leave the lecture with a deeper understanding of the color wheel and how to apply it to quilting.

Although we all have the same hardware to perceive color, each and every one of us experiences color slightly differently; we have our own, personal sense of color style. Working regularly with color can help you fine-tune this sense of color, and help you to apply your color personality to quilting.

As for working directly with color, did you know scientists have proven that people who regularly work with color (fashion designers, artists, graphic designers) can detect many MORE colors than people who do not? Yes, it's a fact, and I've based the classes & workshops on this principle to give you tools to help you expand your color language. 

I've started a "Lectures & Workshops" tab at the top ⬆ of the blog page and you can look there to see where I'll be offering events next, and see a list of offerings if you'd like to host some of my events. If you are associated with a quilt guild, organization, or store, you can contact me directly about hosting an event. I hope to see you at an event soon!

If you have any suggestions for events based on color, or things you'd like to learn about color, please let me know in the comments below. ⬇ I'd be happy to hear your ideas, opinions, or questions!


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