BITCH, 2022
51" X 50"
Cotton materials, polyester thread

I started working on this piece at the end of last year, having made a little sketch earlier in 2021. I was inspired by the mid-century American graphic designer Murray McCain's cover of a 1962 children's book aptly titled "BOOKS". I mean, seriously, this book cover! The colors and shapes are amazing. I really love the little exclamation point stuck in the nook between the K and S.

I'm really drawn to the creative use of type and text in 1950-1960 graphic design, and how letters can give a word or phrase extra emphasis. I was already thinking about the term "bitch" and how the meaning is currently changing as it is being used more and more as a term of endearment (I Love You Bitch - from Lizzo) or for anyone fully expressing their own power ("she a real bad bitch" Best Friend - from Saweetie).

Plus, as someone who's been called a bitch a time or two (or three...and not in a good way), I feel the double-edged sting this word can carry. This piece is all about letting "bitch" bring up all those feelings for you - a way to both confront the cultural meanings and explore your own thoughts.

The specific letter style that inspired my design is an old American wood type from 1870 called "Egyptian Ornamented." This type was used prolifically at the end of the 20th century in the American west for "wanted" posters and the like. It totally reads old west!

These type samples pictured above are from Rob Roy Kelly's book American Wood Type 1828-1900, and the minute I saw that "B" I was in love ❤. I sketched out the letters by hand on a big piece of paper, changing the letters to fit my needs. My sketch was used as a pattern for making applique letters.

This is my first try at a really large-scale applique in a quilt, and I learned a lot about this technique. Mostly that it's not my favorite method of working, but a great way to get intricate shapes that I couldn't piece.

I did finish in time to submit it to QuiltCon 2023, and I'll be anxious to see if this piece is accepted for exhibit in Atlanta this year. ✌🏻 Until then, I'm enjoying the big BITCH in my sewing space!


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