New Ink

New Ink

Here is my sewing-themed "anniversary" tattoo! This is my upper left arm - and did you know it is really, really hard to take a picture of your own upper arm? Yep, next to impossible - I had to prop up the camera on a shelf and use the timer! So, better pictures soon when I have someone to take them for me and when it has healed a bit more ;-P

I had a vague idea for this design in my head for about the last year. Brought some "inspiration" pictures of sewing shears, tape measures and pin cushions to my favorite tattoo artist, and he drew this up on the spot. Amazing, right? The tattoo took about three hours total and is 7" tall, 5" wide. <3 LOVE!


Olivia said…
Looks "sew" awesome I love it!!!!
susan said…
its beautiful. and your tattoo artist does gorgeous work
Donna said…
Most excellent!
Anonymous said…
Love this. The depth of the colours is phenomenal. If that was my tattoo, I'd probably spend all day contorting myself into strange positions just to gaze at it. Stunning!
a little sewing said…
LOL, you went for it! My DD recently got a tattoo in the same place, but hers is a zebra. I have come to appreciate tattoos as a way to express your individuality - enjoy your new beauty mark!!
nicedaydesigns said…
I love your tattoo, the colour is beautiful! I have a sewing addict tattoo too..
Auntie Stina said…
Pretty darn awesome!!

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