Guess Who's Quilting Now?

Remeber when you asked me "Hey, Erika, when are you going to start quilting?" and I was like, "No, no way am I going to start quilting!"

Well...I recently joined up with the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild who just had thier November meeting and sew-in this past Sunday. That's right, I'm going to start quilting!

I first learned about the Modern Quilt Guild online,

The Modern Quilt Guild
then serendipitously had the President of the Chicago Guild sit at my table at the last Chicago Craft Social, who told me all about her passion for modern quilting. It sounded wonderful to me, so I joined up and was warmly welcomed by all the members I met! What I really love about this group of quilters (besides the fact that everyone is so open, friendly and supportive) is how many different kinds of quilters are in the group, from skill levels to esthetics and design preferences. I really am looking forward to sharing with this great group as I attempt my next quilt.

I also have met some stitchy friends online, and just found Jodi on twitter (@sewfearless) who blogs over at Sew Fearless. Not only does she share her sewing successess and foibles on her blog, but Jodi also shares her creative ideas via tutorial like this totally rad puzzle keeper (which I can really use since my living room is being taken over by wooden puzzles!).

And, now that I'm on the subject of meeting stitchers online, do you have a favorite sewing group or stitcher's blog that you just recently discovered? Do tell, because I love making new friends!


Karen saidā€¦
It was really great meeting you too! Looking forward to our January meeting!
Terriaw saidā€¦
I am still waiting to hear more information from our local modern quilt guild. Would love to have a group of like-minded people to get together like this! I had the privilege of meeting some of my blogging friends in person earlier this year at a quilting retreat, which was SO cool!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I look forward to seeing your quilts. I have only dipped my baby toe into quilting. I never thought I would be interested in it, but I am starting to "get" the appeal.

(Thanks for the mention. I hope you make some Puzzle Envelopes. They really are quick to whip up.)
Donna saidā€¦
The blog that I'm learning the most from is This blogger is a young mom who husband has quit his job in order to support what his wife is doing on line. I'm so impressed with Leah Day, much the same way I am impressed with you!

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