Procrastination Quilting

What's missing in this picture? Me. I really should be sitting in that chair right there, burning up the Bernina and quilting the heck out of this quilt.

Instead, I think I'm headed for a nap. Hope you are having a much more productive day!


Donna said…
Besides you not being in this picture, I also don't see a cushion or a booster for your sewing chair. Looking at this picture hurts my shoulders. Do you know what I mean?
Michelle said…
Sometimes we NEED a nap. Don't feel guilty. You will be more productive AFTER the nap, and if you aren't, well, that's ok too!
Sarah said…
I think a nap is very productive!
Ruth said…
I wish I had 1/2 of the talent and ability you if you need a nap, you take a nap!!!
Carole said…
For some light relief here is a funny about procrastination

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