Binding the Yellow and Blue Quilt

I'm still trying to finish this "practice" quilt I started weeks ago. The practice part was about piecing, and it was a really great exercise in improvisational patchwork. However, once that part was done, I just wanted to finish it up in a hurry so that I could move on to my next project (I'm trying desperately to stick to just one thing at a time right now). So. This is absolutely not my best quilting work ever, but I'm on the last step of binding and should be completely finished later this week.

I am really looking forward to my next project which includes hand dyed fabrics! I need to do a quick inventory to make sure I have all the supplies I need to get started, which I hope to do later this week - the instant that the binding is finished on the yellow and blue quilt. I can't wait to get started!


Gavin Henderson saidā€¦
The quilt looks lovely. Yellow and blue work so well together. Nice binding too.

J saidā€¦
Really lovely. I love the Scandinavian feel to it because of the colors.

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