Lots and Lots of Prep!
This month has been filled with preparations for future events, workshops, and lectures! This kind of busy work sometimes makes me feel like I'm spinning my wheels because I won't see the fruits of my labor for weeks, months, and sometimes more than a year. This spring marks two solid years of teaching my one-day workshop, The Art of Seeing Color! I offer this workshop once a session at the Evanston Art Center, and I'm thankful to have students interested in the event every single session. I've updated some of the exercises presented in the event. Each time I add a new experiment to this workshop I run through it myself to test it out. I need to make sure that the students will be successful working through the exercise with the papers in the kits and in the time provided. These sketches represent closely related hues, and colors that share a relationship in hue, value, or intensity. The next Art of Seeing Color workshop will be offered this spring! I'm super excite...